Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

Stormy and icy beginning ...

Lost in the coldest winter night Finsterforst is fighting against the icy storms of ethernal grimness still searching for their brothers from the far north, Trollfest and Pantheon I. The migthy normans are still trying to enslave the great birds of evil and endless pain to use their power for the final battle of total destruction. (Und David hat die Presse abgefüllt!)

Was noch nach der mightiest introduction von Tobi hinzuzufügen wäre: Morgen beginnt die "Ende der Zeit"-Tour dann mit unseren treuen Mannen aus Norwegen ... auf dem Winterfest in Eisenberg (Thüringen) - sofern uns die Wege nicht verschneit werden. Actually Finsterforst is preparing its first gig in Bonn, surrounded by wild hordes of pagan spirits ... and beer ... and Linseneintopf! Delicious! Finally take a look at the great and awesome art of almighty and talented Davidus from Africa - anbeliiiefäbel ...

Zdraveite hora ot Bulgaria!
nie sme v Bonn vuv momenta i 6te imame purvo koncert sled malko. Tyk e mnogo stydeno, no tova e ....strahotno! :D Nie o6te 4akame Trollfest i Pantheon I, za6toto te imat problemi sus snqk v Norvegiq! Utre vsi4ko e nared i vsi4ki grupi 6te tyk i 6te pravime 4ydesno tyr!
Az vi kazvam: nie 6te idvame na Bulgaria skoro sa6to i togava 6te imame rakia i strahotni koncerti!

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